
2 Biggest challenges working from home.

Photo by energepic.com

Biggest challenge working from home

  • Being able to separate yourself and work from your home life.
  • Feeling of cabin fever.


Separating Work from Home Life

When working from home you start to find yourself working longer hours. You will need to fight the urge to check an email or just respond to a request that comes through in after hours time.

When you walk past your office space you will see the computer and feel some guilt that you could or should be doing something.

There are things you can do to create triggers that will tell yourself when it is work time and when it is personnel or home time.

Starting with the morning – Setting a morning routine is important. Getting up and getting ready, like you would if you where going to work at an office helps create a trigger in your mind that work is about to start. If you have a family, it also sends them a signal that you are ready for work.

Keeping consistent work hours not only will help you and your family with with the structure of your day but it will set a standard with your colleges of the hours you work and reduce the unwanted after hours requests or demands.

Another alternate than working entirely from home is to work in a co-working space. This is also a great solution for the next biggest challenge,  Feeling of Cabin Fever.


Feeling of Cabin Fever

Another challenge is the feeling of cabin fever.

Cabin Fever Meaning

Cabin Fever is a figure of speech that describes the phenomenon that occurs when someone is stuck inside for a protracted period of time, unable to get outside into fresh air or to interact with other human beings.

It is reported to have started to describe the symptoms that people experienced being locked away in their cabins for the winter months in the 1900’s, and likely originating from North America.

When you find yourself working from home and not leaving home during the day you can find yourself feeling isolated and lonely. As the days go on you tend to find you start to feel as though you loose touch with what is going on out in the community.

This is when you need to plan time out of the house to ensure social interaction and to get some fresh air. You also need to ensure that you start or maintain some form of exercise and have this as part of your daily plan. Heading to a gym will kill two birds with one stone.


Final Thought

Working from Home can be very rewarding but there are things you need to be aware of so when you start your working from home journey you don’t get blind sided as say you were not aware.

Working from Home gives you way more positives than negatives.


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